This wedding studio wasn’t the most professional in comparison to the competitive wedding industry in Taiwan. We had a chance to work with this studio back in 2015, and our experiences were great up until their delivery of our big photo album. The pictures printed were not the final proof pictures sent by us. We were very upset not only because our effort of a day photo shoot went to waste, but end up with this imperfect bulky photo book in the basement.
The representative that handled all the aftermath was not the same person whom dealt with us from the beginning. We were told that person quit half way through resolving the issue. The entire time the new representative was using the previous identity to speak to us, as if she was the original person. To make up her lack of attention to detail, and ability to offer professional services, the new rep. finally offered to pick certain number of raw pictures on our behalf to put everything in peace. We were only to agree with the solution because we live aboard, and we didn’t really have much other choice.
Conclusion: The company uses a famous stylist’s name as image director to attract customers, but truth to be told, he is not the one serving you. Ask a lot of questions before, during, and after the photo shoot, and re-verify everything again as their representatives can switch around without informing you. Best is to avoid here if you want a worry free wedding photo shoot experience.
2015/1/18婚禮靠它 拍的很好
This wedding studio wasn’t the most professional in comparison to the competitive wedding industry in Taiwan. We had a chance to work with this studio back in 2015, and our experiences were great up until their delivery of our big photo album. The pictures printed were not the final proof pictures sent by us. We were very upset not only because our effort of a day photo shoot went to waste, but end up with this imperfect bulky photo book in the basement.
The representative that handled all the aftermath was not the same person whom dealt with us from the beginning. We were told that person quit half way through resolving the issue. The entire time the new representative was using the previous identity to speak to us, as if she was the original person. To make up her lack of attention to detail, and ability to offer professional services, the new rep. finally offered to pick certain number of raw pictures on our behalf to put everything in peace. We were only to agree with the solution because we live aboard, and we didn’t really have much other choice.
Conclusion: The company uses a famous stylist’s name as image director to attract customers, but truth to be told, he is not the one serving you. Ask a lot of questions before, during, and after the photo shoot, and re-verify everything again as their representatives can switch around without informing you. Best is to avoid here if you want a worry free wedding photo shoot experience.
我們2015年從國外回去這家婚紗店拍攝婚紗,事先有請家人接洽,所以選婚紗,化妝, 以及拍攝過程都很順利。 這家店也是在演藝圈的朋友介紹的,因為時間非常有限,加上人不在國內也很難貨比三家就只能相信口碑了。 拍完選完毛片就離開台灣了,之後的後續都是電郵聯絡。
後來的事就很不愉快了。 我後來才被告知跟我電郵的人不是我在台灣店裡一直接洽的人,而是另一個人用之前那個人的帳號跟我聯絡,也就是說貴公司換人接洽我的case竟然沒有告知。然後在出了這麼大一個錯後才表明。 貴公司彌補方式就是多給我們一些毛片,但是是你們挑,而且挑的過程這個幫我代挑的代表連續兩次挑到重複我第一次在台灣就挑過的照片。 到這個地步,我非常懷疑她的能力和專業, 但是我們在國外也只能這樣了。 我們從中學到教訓, 枉費我們這麼辛苦一天的拍攝,這本相簿從沒拿出來過一次。
總結: 不要迷思名人的名號,如果時間充裕, 現在有很多自助婚紗,照片全都給你而且服務更客製化,價錢品質絕對不輸傳統婚紗。