作品名稱|Firefly(螢) 年 份|2022 作 者|心見繪房創作團隊(楊少榕、柯宜君、心見繪房主人) 材 質|鐵、PET塑膠、PE線、橡膠 尺 寸|長65cm~125cm ×寬65cm~125cm ×高65cm~245cm ×5件 Firefly The rainwater of Yilan is abundant and its water is pure and clean. When I was a child, the clam and small fish could be fornd in the small ditch next to my home. When the sky turned dark, the fireflies could be seen running through the grass. With the pandemic, I have hardly gone out for months.All these scenes can be seen only in dream. To recall the scene of childhood,the transparent PET hollow cylinders in the shape of danaelion are put in the form of circle in which the fluorescent light can be seen along the long corridor to satisfy the desire to see the firefly again. #宜蘭縣縣政府文化局 #心見繪房創作團隊 #宜蘭縣美術館