在公園對面吃過中餐後順便造訪從未來過的嘉義市公園。一個日式風格濃厚的公園,感受到殖民時代的歷史。有一排日式木造房舍,一部份已改為咖啡廳,另一部份改為展覽廳,展示嘉義市的歷史故事。還有一座高塔名為「射日塔」,由於時間因素未能仔細瀏覽,希望下次能再造訪。 Stop by Chiayi Park, which has never been before, after eating lunch across the park. A park with a strong Japanese style that feels the history of the colonial era. There is a row of Japanese-style wooden houses, part of which has been converted into a coffee shop, and the other part has been converted into an exhibition hall, showing the historical stories of Chiayi. There is also a tower called "Sun Shooting Tower". Due to lack of time, I could not visit it carefully. I hope to visit again next time.
這次回來嘉義市公園 又有重新整修一番 可惜園內遮蔽還是少了些 抵不住烈日,轉到充滿遮蔽的沙畫 也是帶給孩子滿滿熱趣~